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Alternative Choices for Sailing Holidays in Skradin

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01:00 - 10:00 (Miami, UTC-5)

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What are People Saying about Sailing Holidays in Skradin?

Gain insight from past guests through their valuable comments.

Reinhard G.

Sep 2024

The condition of the boat was impressive, showcasing how well it was maintained. The owner was exceptionally proactive and went out of their way to be helpful, enhancing the entire experience. However, there is a room for improvement on the administrative side. Unfortunately, I did not receive a confirmation regarding my deposit insurance, and the owner was also not informed about it through viravira.co. As a result, we had to negotiate a deposit directly with the owner, which we managed amicably. Despite this hiccup, the yacht quality was superb, and every aspect of my journey met high standards, leading to an overall outstanding trip.

Listing owner

Croatia / Skradin

Tomáš V.

Sep 2024

Tento výlet bol skutočne výnimočný! Marína bola nádherná a veľmi dobre vybavená. Skvelé bolo, že sme mohli bezplatne prísť autom priamo k lodi, čo obrovsky uľahčilo nakladanie a vykladanie všetkých potrebných vecí. Sociálne zariadenia vrátane toaliet a spŕch boli bezchybne čisté, čo prispelo k celkovej pohode počas pobytu. Hoci všetky maríny v Chorvátsku sú všeobecne veľmi drahé, možno sa v budúcnosti zameriam na iné krajiny, keďže ceny v reštauráciách a za obľúbené jedlá a pivo u Chorvátov sa mi zdali trochu prehnané. Každopádne, všetko ostatné bolo na vynikajúcej úrovni.

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Dimitri D.
Listing owner:

Dimitri D

Croatia / Skradin

Tomáš V.

Aug 2024

Technická pripravenosť a ochota personálu boli na vynikajúcej úrovni. Jachta, ktorú sme si prenajali, bola v perfektnom stave, čistá a dobre vybavená, čo výrazne prispelo k našej príjemnej dovolenke. Celý proces od nástupu na jachtu po vyzdvihnutie bol plynulý a úplne bezproblémový. Personál bol nesmierne ústretový a priateľský, vždy pripravený pomôcť a odpovedať na akékoľvek otázky, čo nám dodalo pocit pohodlia a istoty. Marina bola krásna a ponúkala všetko potrebné, aby bol náš pobyt bezstarostný. Za cenu, ktorú sme zaplatili, sme dostali vynikajúcu hodnotu a celá skúsenosť bola jednoducho nezabudnuteľná.

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Dimitri D.
Listing owner:

Dimitri D

Croatia / Skradin

Elisa A.

Aug 2024

Som nadšený z mojej skúsenosti s prenájmom lode. Personál bol skutočne ústretový a ochotný, čo spríjemnilo celkový zážitok. Loď bola vynikajúcej kvality, udržiavaná do detailov a ponúkala všetok komfort, ktorý sme očakávali. Celý proces nalodenia prebiehal hladko, bez akýchkoľvek problémov. Lokalita maríny bola ideálna, poskytovala nádherný výhľad a výbornú dostupnosť. Pokiaľ ide o hodnotu za peniaze, som presvedčený, že lepšiu ponuku by sme nenašli. Celý náš výlet bol nezabudnuteľný vďaka všetkým týmto prvkom, ktoré spolu vytvorili dokonalú dovolenku na mori.

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Dimitri D.
Listing owner:

Dimitri D

Croatia / Skradin

Selin T.

Jul 2024

Hırvatistan'ın milli parkları gerçekten büyüleyici ve yemyeşil doğasıyla insanı kendine hayran bırakıyor. Ancak, katamaran için sağlanan bot biraz küçük kalıyor. Bunun dışında, her şey harikaydı. Yatın kalitesi olağanüstüydü ve teslim alma süreci son derece rahat geçti. Her şey özenle organize edilmişti ve marina da oldukça iyiydi. Aldığımız hizmetin tam karşılığını aldığımızı hissettik. Genel olarak çok memnun kaldık ve deneyimimiz gerçekten mükemmeldi.

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Dimitri D.
Listing owner:

Dimitri D

Croatia / Skradin

Zsuzsa K.

Jul 2024

Teljes mértékben elégedettek voltunk mindennel. A csapat igazán kedves és segítőkész volt, minden kérdésünkre készségesen válaszoltak, ami nagyban megkönnyítette az utunkat. A hajó kiváló állapotban volt, jól felszerelt és makulátlanul tiszta, ami az utazásunk kényelmét biztosította. Mindent egybevetve, fantasztikus élményt nyújtott, amit szívből ajánlok mindenkinek.

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Dimitri D.
Listing owner:

Dimitri D

Croatia / Skradin

Jason B.

Jul 2024

Our yacht charter experience was truly exceptional. The check-in and check-out processes were impressively efficient, with every little detail thoroughly explained to us, making us feel well-informed right from the start. The yacht was ready for us even sooner than anticipated, which was a delightful surprise. The staff were incredibly helpful, and the base manager was particularly kind and welcoming. Throughout our journey, the yacht functioned perfectly, with no issues whatsoever. Additionally, the marina's facilities were pristine, adding to our overall satisfaction. Every aspect of our experience was flawless, providing us with exceptional value and a memorable adventure.

Dimitri D.
Listing owner:

Dimitri D

Croatia / Skradin

Kari J.

Jul 2024

Vi satte virkelig pris på opplevelsen og guidens ferdigheter til kapteinen vår. Han sørget alltid for å imøtekomme våre ønsker og ga oss gode anbefalinger hele veien! Båtturen var enestående med høy kvalitet på yachten, og vi ble møtt av en hyggelig og profesjonell atmosfære ved ankomst. Gitt kvaliteten på tjenestene vi fikk, følte vi at det var stor verdi for pengene. Alt i alt var vår totalopplevelse helt fantastisk.

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Dimitri D.
Listing owner:

Dimitri D

Croatia / Skradin

Ivuška H.

Jun 2024

Loď byla pečlivě udržovaná, všechno na palubě fungovalo bezchybně, což přispělo k opravdu příjemné plavbě. Personál charterové společnosti se choval velmi profesionálně, ačkoli proces složení kauce měl své mouchy. Nutnost složit kauci v hotovosti nebo převodem na účet místo blokace na platební kartě bylo poněkud nepohodlné. Ačkoli to bylo vyřešitelné výběrem hotovosti z bankomatu, přineslo to s sebou nečekané komplikace a dodatečné náklady. Celkově jsme však měli výjimečný zážitek a užili jsme si skvělou hodnotu za vynaložené peníze. Marina a služby byly opravdu perfektní, což podtrhlo náš skvělý dojem z dovolené na moři.

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Mihai B.
Listing owner:

Mihai B

Croatia / Skradin

Teri J.

Aug 2023

Moja skúsenosť bola výnimočne dobrá a táto plavba na jachte výrazne predčila moje očakávania. Loď bola v perfektnej kondícii, a celá moja skúsenosť s charterovou spoločnosťou bola skutočne príjemná. Personál bol mimoriadne priateľský a ochotný, čo dodalo tomuto zážitku ešte väčšiu pozitívnu hodnotu. Marina bola dobre udržiavaná a celý proces bol plynulý od začiatku do konca. Určite sa sem vrátime, pretože tento zážitok stál za každé Euro!

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Mihai B.
Listing owner:

Mihai B

Croatia / Skradin

Booking a Sailing Holiday in Skradin

Known for its picturesque panorama, rich culture, and captivating history, Skradin is a jewel of a travel destination. Its location on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea gifts it with stunning landscapes ideal for sailing. The Skradin area features unique coastal features, diverse marine life, and crystal-clear waters catered towards a remarkable sailing holiday. When navigating in Skradin, respect for local customs and adherence to necessary safety measures would ensure a memorable journey. What truly sets Skradin apart as a sailing destination is its natural beauty married with a vibrant sailing culture that paints the town with a unique allure.

As you dive into this article, learn more about how a yacht vacation in Skradin promises an unforgettable experience with its cultural wonders, natural beauty, and exciting sailing conditions that keep even the most seasoned sailor refreshed.

Why choose Skradin as the ultimate destination for a sailing holiday?

A sailing holiday in Skradin offers tranquillity amidst the spectacular natural beauty. The culturally rich location stands out with its crystal-clear waters, lush landscapes, and a treasure trove of history making Skradin a novel yet ideal sailing destination.

How to get to Skradin?

Skradin is easily accessible by various means. You can fly into Zadar or Split airport and take a bus or taxi to Skradin. Alternatively, you can also reach the city by road from any major cities in Croatia.

What are the popular destinations and routes for a sailing holiday in Skradin?

Skradin provides an abundance of options for sailing with the Krka River and Prokljansko Lake being the top destinations. Sailors can explore Skradin's hidden gems, like the Krka National Park, Skradinski Buk, and nearby islands. The sailing journey typically begins at Skradin Marina, with popular routes leading to Bribirske Mostine, Zaton and then back to Skradin.

What is the best time to book a sailing holiday in Skradin?

The best time for a sailing holiday in Skradin typically ranges from May to September. These months offer favorable weather conditions for sailing, sightseeing, and outdoor activities. Do not miss the local festivals—Skradin Klapa Festival and Skradin Cultural Summer, that give an insight of the town's vibrant culture.

How is the weather and sailing conditions in Skradin?

Skradin promises favorable weather conditions with warm summers and mild winters. Sailing conditions usually include mild north-westerly winds in the summer and southern winds in the winter months, providing steady sailing conditions. However, knowledge of local wind patterns is recommended for smooth navigation.

How to explore the history and culture of Skradin?

Exploring the history and culture of Skradin is a fascinating journey. Visit the Skradin City Museum, churches, and monasteries for a glimpse into the town's rich history. Try local dishes like Skradin risotto to experience the area's cuisine. From traditional music to folk dances, immerse yourself in Skradin's vibrant culture.

What are the top attractions and outdoor activities in Skradin?

Skradin offers outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and bird watching. Must-visit attractions include the Krka National Park, Skradinski Buk, and the nearby islands. Enjoy traditional Croatian cuisine at the local eateries and experience the vibrant nightlife.

What are the best marinas and anchorages in Skradin?

Among the best marinas and anchorages, Skradin Marina stands out with its excellent facilities. It's a safe haven for sailors offering everything from re-provisioning to repair services. For more secluded anchoring, Miljacka bay is a favored spot.

Should I rent a holiday yacht in Skradin with or without a skipper?

Whether to charter a holiday yacht in Skradin with or without a skipper largely depends on your sailing experience. If you're an experienced sailor, opting for a bareboat charter can give you more freedom. On the other hand, opting for a skippered charter caters a relaxing holiday as the skipper navigates the waters.

Should I rent a holiday yacht in Skradin with or without a crew?

Chartering a yacht with a crew assures a customized experience with all your needs catered for, allowing you to indulge in the splendors of Skradin. However, if you seek a private, intimate experience, a crewless charter might suit you better.

What license do I need to charter a holiday yacht in Skradin?

To charter a holiday yacht in Skradin without a skipper, you must hold a valid boat leader's license and VHF certificate, recognized by the Croatian authorities.

What to pack for a sailing holiday in Skradin?

Packing for a sailing holiday in Skradin should include lightweight clothing for the warm season, wet gear for occasional showers, plenty of sun-protection items, and safety equipment. Ensure to pack some recreational equipment like snorkels or fishing gear to make the most of Skradin's clear waters.

Good to Know about Sailing Holidays in Skradin & Near Me

Number of sailboats 17 sailboats available
Number of catamarans 17 catamarans available
Number of motor yachts 1 motor yachts available
ManufacturersBeneteau, Bali, Dufour, Lagoon, Excess, Fountaine Pajot, Jeanneau, Azimut, Bavaria, Custom Made
Average cruise capacity9.66
Number of reviews40

Frequently Asked Questions about Yacht Vacations in Skradin & Near Me

How many holiday yacht are available for charter in Skradin?

There are 35 holiday yachts of various sizes in Skradin.

How much does it cost to charter a holiday yacht in Skradin?

The cost to charter a holiday yacht in Skradin is typically between $195 and $6,471 per day, with an average daily price of $954.

Private charter with overnight accommodation

The price range for holiday yacht rental with overnight accommodation in Skradin is typically between $195 and $6,471 per night, with an average price of $954.

How much does it cost to rent a vacation yacht for a week in Skradin?

The cost to charter a holiday yacht in Skradin is typically between $1,364 and $45,299 per week, with an average weekly price of $6,677.

What are the popular holiday yacht brands in Skradin?

Popular brands in Skradin are: Beneteau, Bali, Dufour, Lagoon, Excess, Fountaine Pajot, Jeanneau, Azimut, Bavaria, Custom Made.

What are the popular holiday yacht models in Skradin?

Popular models in Skradin are: Bali Catsmart, Beneteau Oceanis 46.1, Lagoon 42, Beneteau Oceanis 51.1, Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42, Bali 4.2, Excess 11, Beneteau Oceanis 40.1, Dufour 470, Beneteau Cyclades 43.4.

What are the dining options on board a holiday yacht in Skradin?

On a holiday yacht, guests have the option to either purchase their own food supplies or have the boat owner/crew acquire the supplies for them. When there is a crew on board, they typically take care of the cooking. For more information about meal options, please review the listing details.

What is the average number of cabins on a holiday yacht in Skradin?

The average number of cabins on a holiday yacht in Skradin is 4.6. For larger groups, there are holiday yachts with up to 6 cabins available for charter as well.

What is the average sleeping capacity on a holiday yacht in Skradin?

Sleeping capacity in Skradin ranges from 6 to 12 persons, with an average capacity of 8.9 persons.

What is the average cruising capacity on a holiday yacht in Skradin?

Cruising capacity in Skradin ranges from 6 to 30 persons, with an average capacity of 9.7 persons.

Can I charter a holiday yacht as bareboat or skippered in Skradin?

You can charter a holiday yacht as skippered or bareboat in Skradin.

How many vacation yacht are available for bareboat charter in Skradin?

There are 33 holiday yachts available for bareboat charter in Skradin.

How many vacation yacht are available for skippered charter in Skradin?

There are 2 holiday yachts available for skippered charter in Skradin.

How many yacht vacation are available for crewed charter in Skradin?

There are 1 holiday yachts available for crewed charter in Skradin.

How much does a skipper cost per day in Skradin?

The cost of hiring a skipper can vary depending on the destination and the boat's owner. In, Skradin you can anticipate an average daily rate of $205 for a skipper.

Summary of Cost of Sailing Holidays in Skradin & Near Me

With overnight accomodationMin. price per dayAvg. price per dayMax. price per day
Sailboat 195 $ 563 $ 1,294 $
Catamaran 308 $ 1,068 $ 5,119 $
Motor Yacht 4,850 $ 5,660 $ 6,471 $

Popular Destinations for Sailing Holidays

Holiday Yacht Types in Skradin

Alternative Choices for Sailing Holidays in Skradin

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