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What are People Saying about Sailing Holidays in Portisco?

Gain insight from past guests through their valuable comments.

Benny M.

Oct 2024

Die Yacht bot eine absolut traumhafte Erfahrung, die keine Wünsche offenließ. Obwohl es ein paar kleinere Details am Boot zu verbessern gäbe, war der Gesamteindruck äußerst positiv. Die Marina präsentierte sich als ein wunderschöner Ort, der sowohl sauber als auch modern in einem erstklassigen Zustand ist. Besonders hervorzuheben ist der hervorragende Flughafentransferservice, der den Beginn unseres Abenteuers angenehm gestaltete. Eine Kleinigkeit, die auffiel, waren die zu dick geratenen Festmacherleinen. Etwas dünnere, ummantelte Festmacherleinen wären praktischer als die starren gedrehten Kunststofftaue. Zudem hatte das WLAN am Steg ein paar Empfangsprobleme, aber das minderte die gesamte Erfahrung nur unwesentlich. Alles in allem war es ein wunderbares Erlebnis, das wir sehr genossen haben.

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Listing owner

Italy / Portisco

Olin B.

Sep 2024

Měl jsem vynikající zkušenost s celkovou organizací a přístupem týmu při převzetí potřebné dokumentace. Personál v kanceláři byl velmi vstřícný a pomohl mi při přistávání k molu, což bylo perfektně zvládnuto. Naráz nás ale překvapila situace, kdy se loď nedala převzít přesně na čas kvůli menšímu technickému problému – konkrétně chybějícímu náhradnímu dílu pro vodní čerpadlo motoru. Zaznamenal jsem drobnou komplikaci ohledně fixace ráhna hlavní plachty, která se nedala pevně uzamknout ve středu. Přes tyto drobnosti byla kvalita jachty a celkový zážitek vynikající, a to vše za vynikající hodnotu za peníze.

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Listing owner

Italy / Portisco

Paolo G.

Sep 2024

Die Yacht war hervorragend ausgestattet, sodass man sich gleich willkommen fühlte. Alles war bis ins kleinste Detail durchdacht. Besonders beeindruckend war die Organisation bei der Übergabe und Abnahme der Yacht sowie die Skipper-Besprechung und Törnberatung am Sonntagmorgen. Zwei Aspekte könnten bei meinem Check-In allerdings besser erläutert werden: das Reffen des Großsegels ohne Rolleinrichtung und die neue Cockpitbeleuchtung. Die Übergabe war im Grunde schon sehr gut und umfassend, könnte aber durch diese zusätzlichen Informationen weiter verbessert werden. Ein kleiner Punkt war der Supermarkt in der Marina; er schien überfordert, und zu unseren Besuchszeiten – Samstagabend, Sonntagmorgen und sogar am Freitagabend – war frisches Brot schwer zu bekommen. Insgesamt war die Erfahrung jedoch hervorragend.

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Listing owner

Italy / Portisco

Gianluca G.

Jul 2024

Bei unserer Ankunft in der Marina wurden wir von einem engagierten Mitarbeiter begrüßt, der sich um die Übergabe kümmerte. Er nahm sich die Zeit, uns das gesamte Boot detailliert zu erklären und führte gemeinsam mit uns eine sorgfältige Überprüfung durch – genau so, wie man es sich wünscht. Die Marina liegt ein wenig abgelegen, da wäre Alimos durchaus praktischer. Trotz dieser kleinen Unannehmlichkeit war die gesamte Erfahrung von höchster Qualität, in Bezug auf das Boot selbst, das Abholerlebnis und die Preis-Leistung. Alles in allem eine wundervolle Zeit.

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Listing owner

Italy / Portisco

Diogo F.

Jul 2024

A experiência no barco Lagoon foi de alta qualidade. Fiquei impressionado com a limpeza impecável da embarcação, o que realmente contribuiu para tornar a nossa viagem ainda mais agradável. No entanto, senti que o processo de check-in poderia ser melhor organizado para evitar longas esperas, que foram um pouco frustrantes e desnecessárias. Apesar disso, a assistência ao entrar na marina foi excelente e facilitou muito nosso início de viagem. Em geral, senti que a experiência ofereceu um grande valor e proporcionou memórias inesquecíveis.

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Listing owner

Italy / Portisco

Eve L.

May 2024

Mon expérience avec viravira.co a été tout simplement exceptionnelle. Dès le départ, l'organisation était impeccable, tout était bien planifié et sans accroc. Le bateau était en parfait accord avec la description fournie, répondant à toutes mes attentes en termes de confort et de qualité. L'accueil à la marina a été chaleureux et professionnel, ce qui a rendu la prise en main du yacht encore plus agréable. Chaque aspect de ma location a été noté dix sur dix, que ce soit pour la qualité du yacht, l'expérience de prise en charge, ou encore le rapport qualité-prix. Cette aventure en mer a été une véritable réussite, et je me réjouis déjà de réitérer une telle expérience dans le futur.

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Listing owner

Italy / Portisco

Eva-maria B.

May 2024

Die Yacht war in einem ausgezeichneten Zustand, was den gesamten Urlaub unglaublich angenehm machte. Das Personal war ausgesprochen kompetent und unterstützend. Besonders hervorzuheben ist Lorenzo im Büro, dessen Freundlichkeit und beeindruckende Englischkenntnisse die Kommunikation mühelos gestalteten. Der gesamte Check-In und Check-Out Prozess war besonders einfach und entspannend, was die Reise umso angenehmer machte. Alles in allem war es ein reibungsloses und rundum positives Erlebnis.

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Listing owner

Italy / Portisco

Ethan R.

Jun 2023

Our recent yacht adventure was truly remarkable, thanks to our fantastic skipper, Yann. Having just stepped off the boat, I'm still relishing the wonderful experience and can’t help but think about the incredible journey we had. The yacht was in pristine condition, assuring us of a luxurious and comfortable trip. Everything, from the seamless pick-up experience to the excellent marina facilities, was perfectly organized. The charter company provided outstanding service, and we felt this trip was worth every penny. I'm looking forward to sharing more details about this unforgettable voyage in a few days.

Listing owner

Italy / Portisco

Anna maria B.

May 2023

L'esperienza è stata davvero straordinaria! A bordo, abbiamo trovato una randa nuova che ha reso la nostra navigazione ancora più piacevole e senza intoppi. La qualità dello yacht era eccezionale, perfettamente mantenuto e offriva tutti i comfort necessari per un viaggio indimenticabile. Il processo di imbarco è stato impeccabile, grazie al personale cordiale e preparato che ci ha accolto con efficienza e cortesia. Anche la marina in cui abbiamo attraccato era di altissimo livello, ben organizzata e dotata di ottimi servizi. Considerando tutto questo, il rapporto qualità-prezzo è stato più che soddisfacente. In sintesi, una vacanza perfetta sotto ogni punto di vista!

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Listing owner

Italy / Portisco

Jasna S.

Sep 2021

Das Boot war in einem tadellosen Zustand, es wurde makellos gereinigt übergeben. Die Crew, die wir über viravira.co in Portisco getroffen haben, war unglaublich aufmerksam und hilfreich, was unseren Aufenthalt sehr angenehm gemacht hat. Ich bin wirklich dankbar für dieses großartige Erlebnis!

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Listing owner

Italy / Portisco

Booking a Sailing Holiday in Portisco

Located on the idyllic coast of Sardinia, Italy, Portisco is an inviting travel destination for those seeking a retreat to nature. Its geographical beauty is exceptionally breathtaking, encompassing lush hills, crystal-clear waters, and pristine beaches. This diverse landscape lends itself well to a variety of adventurous activities for tourists. Moreover, the cultural richness reflected in Portisco's unique traditions, food, and festivals, further elevates its appeal.

As a sailing destination, Portisco is distinguished by its unparalleled coastal features, excellent sailing conditions, and well-equipped marinas. Navigating through Portisco's azure waters allows you to truly appreciate the grandeur of its coastline and its natural beauty. The locale also offers an extensive range of safeties measures, solidifying its status as a trusted sailing spot. To truly enjoy a sailing vacation in Portisco, awareness about local customs, navigation techniques, and safety precautions are crucial.

Why choose Portisco as the ultimate destination for a sailing holiday?

Portisco is the ultimate sailing holiday destination for its rich maritime heritage, historic landmarks, and exceptional water clarity. This beautiful location allows you to reconnect with nature in the most tranquil environment.

How to get to Portisco?

To travel to Portisco, you can take a flight to Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport, a mere 17km away. From there, you can hire a car or take a bus to reach Portisco. Alternatively, ferry services operate from mainland Italy.

What are the popular destinations and routes for a sailing holiday in Portisco?

Popular sailing areas include the splendid shores of Costa Smeralda, the splendid La Maddalena Archipelago, and the intriguing Isola Tavolara. With vast sailing spots and bays, these routes reveal the charm and diversity of Portisco's marine landscape.

What is the best time to book a sailing holiday in Portisco?

In Portisco, the summer season from June to August is vibrant and lively, drawing in a crowd for its festivals and events. However, sailing enthusiasts often favour the spring and autumn months, when the weather is pleasant and the seas are calm.

How is the weather and sailing conditions in Portisco?

Portisco's climate is Mediterranean, characterized by long, warm summers and mild winters. Wind patterns are generally predictable, and the sea temperature is perfect for activities such as swimming and snorkeling.

How to explore the history and culture of Portisco?

Portisco's rich history can be explored through visits to its historic landmarks and museums. The local cuisine, with dishes like Pane Carasau and Pecorino cheese, is another way to immerse in the culture.

What are the top attractions and outdoor activities in Portisco?

Portisco offers an array of outdoor activities, including hiking, mountain biking, and snorkeling. The vibrant nightlife, gastronomic scene, and the stunning natural attractions add to the charm of this location.

What are the best marinas and anchorages in Portisco?

Portisco Marina is the most significant, offering top-notch facilities and services, while secluded anchorages include Li Tinnari and Cala Moresca.

Should I rent a holiday yacht in Portisco with or without a skipper?

Renting a holiday yacht with a skipper allows you to sail in comfort, with the captain handling navigation while you unwind. However, for skilled sailors, a bareboat charter offers an unmatched sense of freedom.

Should I rent a holiday yacht in Portisco with or without a crew?

A crewed yacht adds a layer of luxury to your experience – with staff to cater to your needs and share valuable insights about Portisco. However, a crewless charter allows unfiltered privacy.

What license do I need to charter a holiday yacht in Portisco?

To charter a yacht without a skipper in Portisco, a valid International Certificate of Competence (ICC) or equivalent is generally required.

What to pack for a sailing holiday in Portisco?

For your sailing holiday in Portisco, pack flexible outfits suitable for the weather, along with personal items, essential safety gear, and entertainment options for those tranquil moments on the yacht.

Good to Know about Sailing Holidays in Portisco & Near Me

Number of sailboats 112 sailboats available
Number of catamarans 61 catamarans available
Number of motor yachts 1 motor yachts available
Number of motorboats 3 motorboats available
ManufacturersLagoon, Dufour, Bavaria, Beneteau, Jeanneau, Bali, Custom Made, Fountaine Pajot, C-CAT, Cranchi
Average cruise capacity9.4
Number of reviews82

Frequently Asked Questions about Yacht Vacations in Portisco & Near Me

How many holiday yacht are available for charter in Portisco?

There are 178 holiday yachts of various sizes in Portisco.

How much does it cost to charter a holiday yacht in Portisco?

The cost to charter a holiday yacht in Portisco is typically between $142 and $16,997 per day, with an average daily price of $1,191.

Private charter with overnight accommodation

The price range for holiday yacht rental with overnight accommodation in Portisco is typically between $142 and $16,997 per night, with an average price of $1,176.

How much does it cost to rent a vacation yacht for a week in Portisco?

The cost to charter a holiday yacht in Portisco is typically between $997 and $118,978 per week, with an average weekly price of $8,235.

What are the popular holiday yacht brands in Portisco?

Popular brands in Portisco are: Lagoon, Dufour, Bavaria, Beneteau, Jeanneau, Bali, Custom Made, Fountaine Pajot, C-CAT, Cranchi.

What are the popular holiday yacht models in Portisco?

Popular models in Portisco are: Lagoon 42, Lagoon 46, Bavaria 46 Cruiser, Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 440, Bavaria 37 Cruiser, Lagoon 40, Beneteau Oceanis 46.1, Dufour 460 Grand Large, Dufour 390 Grand Large, Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 490.

What are the dining options on board a holiday yacht in Portisco?

On a holiday yacht, guests have the option to either purchase their own food supplies or have the boat owner/crew acquire the supplies for them. When there is a crew on board, they typically take care of the cooking. For more information about meal options, please review the listing details.

What is the average number of cabins on a holiday yacht in Portisco?

The average number of cabins on a holiday yacht in Portisco is 4.3. For larger groups, there are holiday yachts with up to 7 cabins available for charter as well.

What is the average sleeping capacity on a holiday yacht in Portisco?

Sleeping capacity in Portisco ranges from 4 to 14 persons, with an average capacity of 9.2 persons.

What is the average cruising capacity on a holiday yacht in Portisco?

Cruising capacity in Portisco ranges from 4 to 18 persons, with an average capacity of 9.4 persons.

Can I charter a holiday yacht as bareboat or skippered in Portisco?

You can charter a holiday yacht as skippered or bareboat in Portisco.

How many vacation yacht are available for bareboat charter in Portisco?

There are 156 holiday yachts available for bareboat charter in Portisco.

How many vacation yacht are available for skippered charter in Portisco?

There are 23 holiday yachts available for skippered charter in Portisco.

How many yacht vacation are available for crewed charter in Portisco?

There are 1 holiday yachts available for crewed charter in Portisco.

What are the popular amenities onboard in Portisco?

Popular amenities in Portisco are: GPS, First Aid Kit, Fire Extinguisher, Holding Tank, Navigation Chart.

How much does a skipper cost per day in Portisco?

The cost of hiring a skipper can vary depending on the destination and the boat's owner. In, Portisco you can anticipate an average daily rate of $149 for a skipper.

Summary of Cost of Sailing Holidays in Portisco & Near Me

With overnight accomodationMin. price per dayAvg. price per dayMax. price per day
Sailboat 142 $ 708 $ 3,158 $
Catamaran 458 $ 1,992 $ 16,997 $
Motor Yacht 2,855 $ 3,675 $ 4,429 $
Motorboat 689 $ 1,258 $ 2,165 $

Popular Destinations for Sailing Holidays

Holiday Yacht Types in Portisco

Alternative Choices for Sailing Holidays in Portisco

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