Vroegboeking-aanbiedingen: huurwoningen in 2025 tegen onverslaanbare prijzen - Duik in het avontuur en profiteer van besparingen!

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is sinds 2019 lid van viravira.co. scoort gemiddeld 4.3 (54) van de 5 . Neem gerust contact op met in elke taal, want berichten worden automatisch vertaald. biedt 49 aanbiedingen. De soorten aanbiedingen zijn onder meer: Zeilboot, Catamaran, Motorboot, Motorjacht. Deze advertenties zijn in Gesplitst, Dubrovnik, Pula, Biograd locaties van Kroatië.
  • Lid sinds:  juli 2019
  • Aantal aanbiedingen:  49
  • Aantal beoordelingen:  54

1 van 3

Toont het bereik 1 - 20 van 49 resultaten.

Algemene beoordeling:  4.33 (54 beoordelingen)

Waar voor je geld

okt. 2024

Mimo drobnych problemów podczas tankowania, które wynikały z długiej kolejki i silnych prądów utrudniających manewrowanie, całe doświadczenie z czarterem było absolutnie rewelacyjne. Jakość jachtu, efektywność i profesjonalizm przy odbieraniu łodzi były na najwyższym poziomie, co znacznie przyczyniło się do pełnej satysfakcji z rejsu. Ogólna jakość obsługi i wartość za pieniądze były doskonałe, co sprawiło, że nasze wakacje były naprawdę wyjątkowe, mimo drobnych niedogodności w marinie.

Vertaal naar Nederlands (NL)

okt. 2024

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okt. 2024

De huurder heeft geen commentaar achtergelaten.

sep. 2024

Celkový zážitek z této plavby byl velmi uspokojivý, a to hlavně díky spolehlivosti a výbornému stavu lodi, motoru a dostupného vybavení. Ovšem, některé aspekty organizace by mohly být zlepšeny. Kupříkladu platby u charteru probíhaly pouze v hotovosti, což nemusí být vždy pohodlné. Také bylo k dispozici málo přepravních vozíků pro přesun zavazadel od vozidla k lodi, což situaci trochu ztížilo. Příjezd k maríně autem byl omezený a parkovacích míst bylo prakticky nedostatek. A navíc, zázemí mariny bylo kvůli probíhající rekonstrukci sociálních zařízení poněkud nedostatečné. Přestože tyto drobné nedostatky ovlivnily celkový dojem, výborná kvalita jachty a celkové zážitky z dovolené to vyvážily.

Vertaal naar Nederlands (NL)

sep. 2024

Die Mitarbeiter waren außerordentlich freundlich und äußerst kompetent, was uns von Anfang an ein gutes Gefühl gab. Die Qualität der Yacht war exzellent, sie war in einwandfreiem Zustand und bot höchsten Komfort. Der gesamte Abholprozess verlief reibungslos und effizient, was den Start unserer Reise sehr angenehm machte. Die Charterfirma hat uns mit ihrer Professionalität wirklich beeindruckt, jede Interaktion war klar und hilfreich. Die Marina war gut ausgestattet, auch wenn sie noch ein kleines Stück zur Perfektion fehlte. Insgesamt war das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis hervorragend, und die gesamte Erfahrung war schlichtweg unvergesslich.

Vertaal naar Nederlands (NL)

sep. 2024

Die Erfahrung mit dem Charter war hervorragend. Die Übernahme des Bootes verlief reibungslos, und die Qualität der Yacht war tatsächlich erstklassig. Allerdings gab es in der Marina einige Herausforderungen. Die Anzahl der Transportkarren war begrenzt, was es etwas unbequem machte, und die Dusche war leider beschädigt. Zudem war der Platz etwas eng, und es standen nicht genügend Parkplätze zur Verfügung. Trotz dieser kleinen Unannehmlichkeiten fühlte sich das Gesamtpaket lohnenswert an, und das Erlebnis war insgesamt positiv.

Vertaal naar Nederlands (NL)

sep. 2024

Our yacht adventure was quite an interesting journey, filled with both comfort and a few minor hurdles. The yacht was quite manageable and comfortable considering its size, and it boasted a spacious swimming platform, which was a delightful feature for us. The check-in process was smooth, with the staff being exceptionally friendly and helpful. As expected with charter boats, there were a few minor issues, but nothing unmanageable. Initially, the main toilet was a bit problematic, possibly exacerbated by our young crew of four boys aged 10-13 years. It seemed like it hadn’t been emptied properly before we took over. Next time, we’d definitely give the tank a thorough check before setting sail. Another slight inconvenience was with the batteries, which didn't hold a charge as well as anticipated, and the water tank indicators were not reliable. One indicator never showed more than a quarter full, while the other misleadingly suggested fullness. To avoid running out, we made sure to fill the tank to its brim. As for the dinghy, it provided a bit of a challenge: the oar holders were missing screws, making rowing tedious. Adding to the complexity, the motor was jerky and needed some tweaking to keep an even pace, although it wasn't perfect after our adjustments. Additionally, there seemed to be a leakage issue with the fuel or oil. Lastly, the lighting in the cockpit wasn't ideal, with only a couple of LEDs in the table. We creatively used headlamps attached to the bimini for better visibility during the evenings. Despite these hiccups, we had fair winds and an enjoyable voyage, with the overall quality of the yacht and value for money being commendable, making it a pleasant maritime experience overall.

Vertaal naar Nederlands (NL)

sep. 2024

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sep. 2024

De huurder heeft geen commentaar achtergelaten.

sep. 2024

Navigating through this yacht experience was fairly smooth and enjoyable. The yacht was easy to handle and surprisingly comfortable given its size, which was a relief for our journey. One of the highlights was the expansive swimming platform—a great spot for relaxing and soaking up the sun. During the check-in process, the ladies assisting us were notably friendly and helpful, creating a welcoming start to our adventure. Although no yacht is without its quirks, we didn't encounter any major technical problems. Over time, we got accustomed to the yacht's peculiarities and adjusted accordingly. We did face some minor issues, such as the main toilet not functioning optimally. It’s possible that the presence of four young boys aged between 10 and 13 may have contributed, but it also seemed like it might not have been completely emptied prior to our arrival. Next time, I’d make sure to check the tank levels before embarking. There were a few technical shortcomings: the batteries seemed to struggle with holding charge, and the water tank indicators were somewhat inaccurate, with one not showing above a quarter full and another sometimes showing full when it wasn't. To avoid running dry, it's best to fill the tanks to the brim. As for the dinghy, it was an interesting experience. Some screws were missing from the oar holders, making rowing a bit of a chore, but necessary since the motor’s revs were unstable. We managed a temporary fix on the second day, but the motor still wasn't ideal, leaking fuel or oil occasionally. Lighting in the cockpit was insufficient with only a couple of LEDs on the table, so we improvised by attaching headlamps to the bimini. Despite these minor hurdles, the journey was enjoyable, and we had fair winds throughout. Overall, the yacht and the experience met our expectations and provided a memorable trip.

Vertaal naar Nederlands (NL)

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