Tipo di yacht
Tipo di noleggio
Senza Skipper
Con equipaggio
Capacità di dormire
Numero di cabine
Capacità di crociera
Numero di WC
5 m - 18 m
Anno di costruzione
1990 - 2025
Proprietari di super barche
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Sono disponibili annunci 395.
Visualizzazione di 21 elenchi di 395 risultati.
Esplora luoghi meravigliosi per la sua avventura Noleggio Barche da sogno in Punat.
Noleggio Barche Sukošan
221Noleggio Barche Spalato
192Noleggio Barche Pola
172Noleggio Barche Trogir
158Noleggio Barche Sebenico
139Noleggio Barche Zara
138Noleggio Barche Kaštel Gomilica
116Noleggio Barche Primošten
110Noleggio Barche Dubrovnik
105Noleggio Barche Rogoznica
96Noleggio Barche Seget Donji
83Noleggio Barche Murter
59Noleggio Barche Marina
58Noleggio Barche Pirovac
51Noleggio Barche Drago
40Noleggio Barche Pomer
35Noleggio Barche Biograd
35Noleggio Barche Skradin
27Noleggio Barche Novi Vinodolski
16Noleggio Barche Medulin
15Noleggio Barche Mali Lošinj
15Noleggio Barche Podstrana
15Noleggio Barche Jezera
12Noleggio Barche Solta
Esplora le scelte pensate per la sua prossima avventura marittima in Punat.
Trovi alternative uniche per un'esperienza marittima personalizzata in Punat.
Punat 12.76 m Per Noleggio Barca a vela - #6093
5,00Punat 10.34 m Per Noleggio Barca a vela - #6113
4,99Punat 12.87 m Per Noleggio Barca a vela - #15942
4,96Punat 11.9 m Per Noleggio Barca a vela - #23228
4,86Punat 11.34 m Per Noleggio Barca a vela - #6078
4,79Punat 11.73 m Per Noleggio Catamarano - #6127
4,70Punat 11.74 m Per Noleggio Catamarano - #15879
4,60Punat 11.35 m Per Noleggio Barca a vela - #11623
4,59Punat 11.34 m Per Noleggio Barca a vela - #6108
4,53Punat 12.87 m Per Noleggio Barca a vela - #19876
Tipi di yacht | Barca a vela, Catamarano, Motoscafo |
Numero di yacht | 87 barche disponibili |
Numero di barche a vela | 69 barche a vela disponibili |
Numero di catamarani | 12 catamarani disponibili |
Numero di motoscafi | Motoscafi 6 disponibili |
Prezzo minimo | 142 € al giorno |
Prezzo massimo | 2.027 € al giorno |
Prezzo medio | 508 € al giorno |
Produttori | Bavaria, Jeanneau, Beneteau, Elan, D&D Kufner, Fatto su misura, Dehler, Dufour, Fountaine Pajot, Hanse |
Lunghezza media | 12,87 m (42,22 ft) |
Capacità media di sonno | 8,21 |
Capacità media di crociera | 8,39 |
Numero di recensioni | 58 |
Quali sono i tipi di imbarcazioni popolari per noleggio barche in Punat?
Quanto costa noleggiare un yacht a Punat?
Noleggio privato con sistemazione notturna
Quanto costa noleggiare un barca per una settimana a Punat?
Quali sono i marchi yacht popolari in Punat?
Quali sono i modelli yacht popolari in Punat?
Quali sono le opzioni di ristorazione a bordo di un yacht a Punat?
Qual è il numero medio di cabine su un yacht a Punat?
Qual è la capacità media di pernottamento su un yacht a Punat?
Qual è la capacità media di crociera su un yacht a Punat?
Posso noleggiare un yacht come noleggio con o senza skipper a Punat?
Quanti barca sono disponibili per il noleggio senza skipper a Punat?
Quanto costa assumere uno skipper al giorno a Punat?
Con pernottamento | Prezzo minimo al giorno | Prezzo medio al giorno | Massimo. prezzo al giorno |
Barca a vela | 142 € | 456 € | 1.081 € |
Catamarano | 240 € | 764 € | 2.027 € |
Motoscafo | 218 € | 702 € | 1.396 € |
Lars S.
01 Nov 2024
The staff were incredibly friendly and welcoming, making the entire experience delightful right from the start. The yacht was impeccably maintained, which added an extra layer of comfort and luxury to our voyage. Every aspect of our journey, from the moment we picked up the yacht until we set sail, surpassed our expectations. The marina was well-organized and easily accessible, ensuring a smooth start to our adventure. Without a doubt, the whole experience offered remarkable value for money, leaving us with unforgettable memories and a desire to return again soon.
Tradurre in Italiano (IT)
Croazia - Punat
Tomášek L.
01 Oct 2024
Celkový dojem z naší plavby byl vynikající. Profesionální předání a skvělá komunikace se zákazníky udělaly náš zážitek opravdu nezapomenutelným. Kvalita jachty byla na nejvyšší úrovni a vše bylo perfektně připraveno pro naši cestu. Celková atmosféra při vyzvednutí nám dodala pocit opravdové péče a pohody. Marina byla dobře vybavena a poskytla nám vše, co jsme potřebovali. Z hlediska poměru ceny a kvality služeb jsme byli maximálně spokojeni, což významně přispělo k naší celkové spokojenosti.
Tradurre in Italiano (IT)
Croazia - Punat
Endy P.
01 Oct 2024
Naše dovolená byla úžasná od začátku až do konce. Loď, kterou jsme si pronajali, byla v opravdu vynikajícím stavu, což výrazně přispělo k našemu celkovému pohodlí a spokojenosti. Proces převzetí a předání lodi v marině probíhal hladce a bez jakýchkoli komplikací, což nám umožnilo opravdu si užít každý okamžik na vodě. Vysoce oceňuji i profesionální přístup charterové společnosti
Tradurre in Italiano (IT)
Croazia - Punat
Timo M.
01 Jul 2024
The experience was delightful from the moment we arrived until we left. The check-in and check-out processes were seamless, allowing us to embark and disembark with ease. The personnel were extraordinarily kind and supportive, always ready to assist with any questions or needs. We were provided with a new and fully functional boat, which contributed greatly to our overall enjoyment. However, one downside was the high parking fees at the Marina, which were set at 12 euros per day. Despite this, the quality of the yacht, the pick-up experience, and the service provided were all top-notch, making for an unforgettable adventure.
Tradurre in Italiano (IT)
Croazia - Punat
Lucas B.
01 Jul 2024
The front cabin's spaciousness and the overall quality of the yacht truly stood out during our trip. The assistance we received for picking up the yacht was exceptional, thanks to the help of a professional team member, which made the start of our journey smooth and stress-free. It was quite insightful to receive advice about the yacht from knowledgeable staff. However, the requirement to return by Friday at 5 pm felt unnecessarily early; it would be beneficial to offer either a later return time or the option to pay for one less night. Finding a petrol station at the marina proved to be quite a challenge, making refueling before the final day somewhat stressful. Additionally, having only an hour of free parking time upon arrival felt too limited, especially as we needed more time to settle in comfortably. We encountered a minor inconvenience with the internet device, but it wasn't a major issue, though it was a shame it didn't function smoothly. Overall, the yacht quality was outstanding, and this outweighed the minor hitches, providing us with a memorable experience.
Tradurre in Italiano (IT)
Croazia - Punat
Radomíra K.
01 Jun 2024
Návštěva mariny byla skutečně příjemným zážitkem. Místo bylo dobře vybavené a čisté, což okamžitě navodilo pocit pohodlí a pohody. Setkání s předávacím technikem bylo také radostné
Tradurre in Italiano (IT)
Croazia - Punat
Galina M.
01 Nov 2023
Die Yacht war in einem einwandfreien Zustand und perfekt gewartet. Das Team war ausgesprochen freundlich und hilfsbereit, was die gesamte Erfahrung äußerst angenehm machte. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die Übergabe des Schiffes, die völlig problemlos verlief und zudem in deutscher Sprache durchgeführt wurde, was für ein zusätzliches Maß an Komfort sorgte. Jede Facette unseres Charters war exzellent, von der Ausstattung der Yacht über den Service des Teams bis hin zum fantastischen Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Unsere Erlebnisse mit viravira.co waren durchweg positiv und hochgradig empfehlenswert für jeden, der einen stressfreien und unvergesslichen Yachturlaub plant.
Tradurre in Italiano (IT)
Croazia - Punat
Sandro H.
01 Aug 2023
Die Möglichkeit, den Poolbereich während des Check-ins und des Einsteigens zu nutzen, war ein großer Pluspunkt für meine Familie. Die Qualität der Yacht war herausragend, der Abholprozess verlief reibungslos und das Team der Charterfirma war äußerst professionell. Auch die Marina war erstklassig und bot einen hervorragenden Startpunkt für unser Abenteuer. Insgesamt war das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis ausgezeichnet, und unser Gesamterlebnis war schlichtweg perfekt.
Tradurre in Italiano (IT)
Croazia - Punat
Alessandra R.
01 Jul 2023
The yacht was impeccably maintained and equipped with everything we could possibly need, which made our trip incredibly smooth and enjoyable. The staff's kindness was unparalleled, creating a welcoming and friendly atmosphere throughout our journey. Every aspect of the yacht’s quality was top-notch, making us feel like we were sailing on a luxurious vessel. The pick-up experience was seamless and efficient, setting a positive tone from the very start. The marina facilities were excellent, and the entire experience was worth every penny. Overall, it was an unforgettable adventure, elevating our expectations for future yacht charters.
Tradurre in Italiano (IT)
Croazia - Punat
Leonhard K.
01 Jul 2023
Die Übergabe war einfach hervorragend, vor allem mit den klaren und verständlichen Erklärungen auf Deutsch, die es zu einem informativen und reibungslosen Start unserer Reise gemacht haben. Die Yacht selbst war von höchster Qualität, was unseren Törn besonders angenehm und luxuriös machte. Der gesamte Abholprozess war wirklich makellos, was uns ein Gefühl von Professionalität und Vertrauen vermittelte. Jede Interaktion im Yachthafen war angenehm und effizient, was die Erfahrung nochmals verbesserte. Insgesamt fühlte es sich wie ein hervorragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis an, da jeder Aspekt unserer Reise unsere Erwartungen übertroffen hat.
Tradurre in Italiano (IT)
Croazia - Punat