Type de yacht
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Sans Skipper
Avec équipage
Capacité de couchage
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Capacité de croisière
Nombre de toilettes
9 m - 20 m
Année de construction
1990 - 2025
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Explorez des lieux époustouflants pour vivre l'aventure Location Catamaran de vos rêves à Lefkada.
Location Catamaran Athènes
226Location Catamaran Îles Grecques
197Location Catamaran Îles Ioniennes
74Location Catamaran Lavrion
56Location Catamaran Prévéza
52Location Catamaran Gouvia
37Location Catamaran Volos
34Location Catamaran Rhodes
30Location Catamaran Kos
25Location Catamaran Paros
15Location Catamaran Tourlos
14Location Catamaran Le Pirée
12Location Catamaran Porto Cheli
12Location Catamaran Skiathos
11Location Catamaran Palairos
11Location Bateau Sami
10Location Catamaran Corfou
10Location Bateau Limenas Avdiron
Découvrez les options conçues pour votre prochaine escapade maritime à Lefkada.
Trouvez des alternatives uniques pour une expérience maritime personnalisée dans Lefkada.
Lefkada 11.97 m For Charter Catamaran - #14103
5,00Lefkada 13.99 m For Charter Catamaran - #20271
5,00Lefkada 12.31 m For Charter Catamaran - #19594
5,00Lefkada 12.8 m For Charter Catamaran - #17434
5,00Lefkada 13.94 m For Charter Catamaran - #15121
5,00Lefkada 12.8 m For Charter Catamaran - #11534
5,00Lefkada 12.19 m For Charter Catamaran - #5077
5,00Lefkada 13.96 m For Charter Catamaran - #4134
5,00Lefkada 12.12 m For Charter Catamaran - #4127
5,00Lefkada 11.97 m For Charter Catamaran - #4089
Nombre de goélettes | Goélettes 1 disponibles |
Nombre de voiliers | Voiliers 388 disponibles |
Nombre de catamarans | Catamarans 185 disponibles |
Nombre de bateaux à moteur | 1 bateaux à moteur disponibles |
Prix minimum | 227 € par jour |
Prix maximum | 11 047 € par jour |
Prix moyen | 1 152 € par jour |
Fabricants | Lagoon, Bali, Fountaine Pajot, Excess, Leopard, Belize, Nautitech, Aventura, Dufour, Elba |
Longueur moyenne | 13,05 m (42,83 ft) |
Capacité de couchage moyenne | 10,18 |
Capacité moyenne des croisières | 10,28 |
Nombre de commentaires | 88 |
Combien de catamaran sont disponibles à la location à Lefkada ?
Combien coûte-t-il de louer un catamaran à Lefkada ?
Charte privée avec hébergement pour la nuit
Combien coûte la location d'un catamaran pour une semaine à Lefkada ?
Quelles sont les marques populaires de catamaran à Lefkada ?
Quels sont les modèles populaires de catamaran à Lefkada ?
Quelles sont les options de restauration à bord d'un catamaran à Lefkada ?
Quel est le nombre moyen de cabines sur un catamaran à Lefkada ?
Quelle est la capacité de couchage moyenne sur un catamaran à Lefkada ?
Quelle est la capacité de croisière moyenne sur un catamaran à Lefkada ?
Puis-je louer un catamaran sans équipage ou avec équipage à Lefkada ?
Combien de catamaran sont disponibles pour une location sans équipage à Lefkada ?
Combien de catamaran sont disponibles pour une location avec équipage à Lefkada ?
Quels sont les équipements populaires à bord à Lefkada ?
Combien coûte un skipper par jour à Lefkada ?
Quels sont les emplacements populaires pour location catamaran à Lefkada ou à proximité ?
Avec nuitée | Prix minimum par jour | Prix moyen par jour | Max. prix par jour |
Catamaran | 227 € | 1 152 € | 11 047 € |
Georgi N.
01 Nov. 2024
Наемането на катамаран в Йонийско море беше истинско удоволствие. Всички лодки бяха в отлично състояние, което значително увeличи удоволствието от плаването. Качеството на яхтата беше впечатляващо и надмина очакванията ми. Всички аспекти на процеса, от вдигането на платната до преживяването в марината, бяха организирани безупречно. Целият ми опит беше повече от положителен и заслужава най-високата възможна оценка. Удовлетворението от стойността спрямо парите беше видимо и бих препоръчал на всички да се доверят на viravira.co за подобна морска авантюра.
Traduire par Français (FR)
Grèce - Lefkada
Matias L.
01 Nov. 2024
The sailing experience was simply fantastic! The yacht was in impeccable condition, with every feature functioning flawlessly. I was particularly impressed with the efficiency of the air conditioning and the electric toilets, which added an extra layer of comfort to our journey. The quality of the yacht exceeded all expectations and contributed to a seamless voyage. Every aspect, from picking up the boat to the overall adventure, was top-notch. The marina was also perfect, aligning perfectly with the overall value for a memorable sailing escapade.
Traduire par Français (FR)
Grèce - Lefkada
Benedikt M.
01 Okt. 2024
Das Boot war äußerst umfassend ausgestattet und befand sich für sein Alter in einem hervorragenden Zustand. Die Übergabe und Rückgabe verliefen absolut reibungslos, was das Erlebnis besonders angenehm machte. Das Personal war durchweg freundlich und zuvorkommend, was erheblich zum positiven Gesamteindruck beigetragen hat. Die Marina war ebenfalls sehr gut, obwohl sie im direkten Vergleich etwas weniger hervorstechend war. Insgesamt war das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis exzellent, und die gesamte Erfahrung war auf ganzer Linie beeindruckend.
Traduire par Français (FR)
Grèce - Lefkada
Noam L.
01 Sep. 2024
The staff was incredibly attentive and made the whole process in Bax seamless, from check-in to check-out. I highly recommend trying this! The catamaran was in excellent condition and well-maintained, delivering top-notch quality throughout our journey. The whole experience felt like a great value for money, and every aspect, from the service to the facilities, exceeded expectations, truly making it an outstanding adventure.
Traduire par Français (FR)
Grèce - Lefkada
Dragoș I.
01 Sep. 2024
În primul rând, aș dori să îi mulțumesc lui Andreas, care ne-a oferit cele mai bune condiții posibile. Theodor, persoana responsabilă de procesul de check-in, a fost mereu o plăcere să-l întâlnim. Formalitățile au fost rapide și ușoare, ceea ce a transformat experiența într-una cu adevărat plăcută pentru mine. De asemenea, procesul de check-out a fost la fel de plăcut. Mulțumesc pentru tot! Cu siguranță vom reveni.
Traduire par Français (FR)
Grèce - Lefkada
Daniil S.
01 Sep. 2024
My experience was absolutely flawless. The staff impressed me with their kindness and remarkable organizational skills. The yacht, a beautifully equipped Lagun 46, had everything I could have asked for to enhance my journey. From start to finish, every aspect of the trip was perfectly arranged, creating a memorable and seamless adventure. Each detail, from the quality of the yacht to the smooth pick-up experience, reflected the excellent service provided, making it worth every penny.
Traduire par Français (FR)
Grèce - Lefkada
Oliver M.
01 Sep. 2024
The charter company truly delivered an exceptional experience, making every moment of our trip memorable. However, one significant concern was the lack of trolleys to transport our luggage, which made the start of our journey a bit challenging. The quality of the yacht itself was impeccable, providing us with comfort and luxury throughout our voyage. Furthermore, the pick-up experience was seamless and set a great tone for our holiday. Although the charter company excelled in almost every aspect, the refueling process at the marina was problematic. It was chaotic, caused unnecessary stress, and seemed potentially hazardous. It would be beneficial if the marina could implement a more organized refueling system, perhaps with a queuing strategy or scheduled slots. Despite these minor issues, the overall experience was outstanding and provided immense value for money.
Traduire par Français (FR)
Grèce - Lefkada
Maximilian B.
01 Aug. 2024
Vaso and Christos at the Charter base provided an exceptional experience by efficiently preparing the yacht and accommodating our needs, such as transfers, supplies, and last-minute requests. They handled everything with a warm smile, which made the entire process smooth and enjoyable. We were pleasantly surprised to find a fuel truck ready upon our arrival, as we had already refueled during our journey. The yacht itself was of outstanding quality, and the pick-up process was seamless. The marina was quite satisfactory, although there is some room for improvement. Overall, the trip offered excellent value for money, and the experience was truly top-notch, thanks to their hard work and dedication.
Traduire par Français (FR)
Grèce - Lefkada
Bartosz Z.
01 Juli 2024
Łódź była w doskonałym stanie, co uczyniło nasz rejs niezwykle przyjemnym i bezproblemowym. Proces tankowania po powrocie na pomost był dobrze zorganizowany, co pozwoliło nam bez stresu zakończyć naszą przygodę na wodzie. Bardzo doceniam jasny i przejrzysty system rachunków za paliwo, które otrzymaliśmy po tankowaniu z beczkowozu. Każdy aspekt naszego doświadczenia, od początkowego odebrania jachtu do ostatecznego zakończenia podróży, był wręcz perfekcyjny. Marina, w której cumowaliśmy, była dobrze wyposażona, a stosunek jakości do ceny okazał się niezwykle korzystny. Całość naszego wyjazdu oceniam wzorowo.
Traduire par Français (FR)
Grèce - Lefkada
Miguel P.
01 Juli 2024
The overall experience of the yacht charter was truly exceptional. The yacht's quality exceeded expectations with its impressive features and the pick-up process was seamless, adding to a stress-free start to our adventure. The marina was well-equipped and added to the delightful atmosphere. While the charter company was outstanding in all aspects, it would be perfect with the addition of a freezer on board. The trip was not only a superb experience but also offered great value for money.
Traduire par Français (FR)
Grèce - Lefkada