Tipo de yate
Tipo de alquiler
Sin Skipper
Capacidad para dormir
Número de cabinas
Capacidad de crucero
Número de baños
9 m - 34 m
Año de construcción
1990 - 2025
Dueños de superbarcos
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Sin Skipper
Los anuncios 598 están disponibles. Borrar filtros
Mostrando 21 listados de 598 resultados.
Explore lugares impresionantes para vivir la aventura Location Bateau de sus sueños en Îles Ioniennes.
Explore las opciones diseñadas para su próxima escapada marítima en Îles Ioniennes.
Encuentre alternativas únicas para una experiencia marítima personalizada en Îles Ioniennes.
Lefkada 10.3 m Para Charter Velero - #14282
5,00Lefkada 11.97 m Para Charter Catamarán - #14103
5,00Lefkada 12.75 m Para Charter Velero - #21228
5,00Lefkada 13.99 m Para Charter Catamarán - #20271
5,00Lefkada 14.22 m Para Charter Velero - #20109
5,00Lefkada 12.31 m Para Charter Catamarán - #19594
5,00Lefkada 14.6 m Para Charter Velero - #19018
5,00Lefkada 13.41 m Para Charter Velero - #18087
5,00Lefkada 12.8 m Para Charter Catamarán - #17434
5,00Lefkada 13.6 m Para Charter Velero - #17398
Tipos de yates | Velero, Catamarán |
Número de yates | 597 barcos disponibles |
Número de veleros | 419 veleros disponibles |
Número de catamaranes | 178 catamaranes disponibles |
Precio mínimo | 112 € por día |
Precio máximo | 11.003 € por día |
Precio medio | 702 € por día |
Fabricantes | Jeanneau, Beneteau, Lagoon, Bavaria, Dufour, Bali, Hanse, Fountaine Pajot, Excess, Elan |
Longitud media | 13,11 m (43,01 ft) |
Capacidad media para dormir | 9,07 |
Capacidad media de crucero | 9,14 |
Número de reseñas | 270 |
Combien de sans skipper sont disponibles à la location à Îles Ioniennes ?
Combien coûte-t-il de louer un sans skipper à Îles Ioniennes ?
Charte privée avec hébergement pour la nuit
Combien coûte-t-il de louer un sans skipper ou de réserver un location bateau sans skipper pour une semaine à Îles Ioniennes ?
Quelles sont les marques populaires de sans skipper à Îles Ioniennes ?
Quels sont les modèles populaires de sans skipper à Îles Ioniennes ?
Quelles sont les options de restauration à bord d'un sans skipper à Îles Ioniennes ?
Quel est le nombre moyen de cabines sur un sans skipper à Îles Ioniennes ?
Quelle est la capacité de couchage moyenne sur un sans skipper à Îles Ioniennes ?
Quelle est la capacité de croisière moyenne sur un sans skipper à Îles Ioniennes ?
Quels sont les équipements populaires à bord à Îles Ioniennes ?
Combien coûte un skipper par jour à Îles Ioniennes ?
Con alojamiento durante una noche | Precio mínimo por día | Precio medio por día | Máx. precio por dia |
Velero | 112 € | 559 € | 11.003 € |
Catamarán | 226 € | 1049 € | 11.003 € |
Matias L.
01 Nov 2024
The sailing experience was simply fantastic! The yacht was in impeccable condition, with every feature functioning flawlessly. I was particularly impressed with the efficiency of the air conditioning and the electric toilets, which added an extra layer of comfort to our journey. The quality of the yacht exceeded all expectations and contributed to a seamless voyage. Every aspect, from picking up the boat to the overall adventure, was top-notch. The marina was also perfect, aligning perfectly with the overall value for a memorable sailing escapade.
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Grecia - Lefkada
Georgi N.
01 Nov 2024
Наемането на катамаран в Йонийско море беше истинско удоволствие. Всички лодки бяха в отлично състояние, което значително увeличи удоволствието от плаването. Качеството на яхтата беше впечатляващо и надмина очакванията ми. Всички аспекти на процеса, от вдигането на платната до преживяването в марината, бяха организирани безупречно. Целият ми опит беше повече от положителен и заслужава най-високата възможна оценка. Удовлетворението от стойността спрямо парите беше видимо и бих препоръчал на всички да се доверят на viravira.co за подобна морска авантюра.
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Grecia - Lefkada
Thijs V.
01 Oct 2024
Onze ervaring was fantastisch dankzij de uitstekende service. We werden aangenaam verrast door hoe vroeg we konden vertrekken, wat ons extra kostbare tijd op het water gaf. Alles was tot in de puntjes verzorgd, van de kwaliteit van de jacht tot de faciliteiten in de marina. Het voelde echt als waar voor ons geld. Kortom, het was een perfecte ervaring waarop niets aan te merken viel.
Traducir a Español (ES)
Grecia - Lefkada
Alexandru I.
01 Oct 2024
Am avut o experiență extraordinară cu viravira.co! Toate echipamentele de navigație au funcționat impecabil, ceea ce ne-a oferit o călătorie fără griji și plină de siguranță. Curățenia la bord a fost exemplară, fiecare colțișor al yachtului strălucind de curățenie, ceea ce ne-a permis să ne bucurăm cu adevărat de timpul petrecut pe mare. Întregul proces de preluare a fost rapid și eficient, facilitând o tranziție fără probleme spre aventura noastră maritimă. Totul a fost perfect coordonat la marină, respectând cele mai înalte standarde de profesionalism. Fiecare moment petrecut a meritat din plin investiția, iar calitatea yachtului a fost la superlativ. Pe scurt, a fost o experiență de neuitat, cu un scor de top la toate capitolele importante!
Traducir a Español (ES)
Grecia - Lefkada
Jan K.
01 Oct 2024
Moja skúsenosť bola absolútne výnimočná, počnúc výbornou komunikáciou, na ktorú sa dalo vždy spoľahnúť. Stav lode bol bezchybný, všetko fungovalo ako malo, a čistota bola na najvyššej úrovni. Každý detail bol perfektný a zanechal vo mne pocit dokonalosti. Vyzdvihovanie prebehlo hladko a organizácia bola na jednotku. Hodnota, ktorú som dostal za cenu, bola neuveriteľná a vo všetkom som sa cítil nadmieru spokojne. Celková skúsenosť bola excelentná a odporúčam každému, kto hľadá nezabudnuteľnú plavbu, pozrieť ponuky na viravira.co.
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Grecia - Corfú
Hanna M.
01 Oct 2024
Der Service vor Ort in der Marina Lefkas war einfach herausragend. Das Team, das uns betreute, war äußerst freundlich und zeigte eine beeindruckende Kompetenz. Sie nahmen sich geduldig Zeit für eine umfassende Einführung, die keine Fragen offen ließ. Das Boot, das wir charterten, war in einem exzellenten Zustand – es war sauber und technisch einwandfrei. Während unseres gesamten Aufenthalts fühlten wir uns bestens unterstützt. Die zur Verfügung gestellte Telefonnummer eines rund um die Uhr erreichbaren Technikers war sehr zuverlässig. Die Kommunikation über WhatsApp und Video-Call erwies sich als äußerst hilfreich und ermöglichte schnelle und unkomplizierte Lösungen. Ohne zu zögern würden wir hier wieder chartern, denn die Betreuung war schlicht erstklassig. Ein großer Dank an das gesamte Team!
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Grecia - Lefkada
Leonie M.
01 Oct 2024
My experience with viravira.co was exceptional from start to finish. The service at the marina was seamless, setting the perfect tone for our yacht adventure. The yacht surpassed all expectations with its impeccable quality, making our journey truly enjoyable. From the moment we picked it up, everything flowed smoothly. The staff were friendly and attentive, ensuring every detail was taken care of to enhance our experience. The overall trip was outstanding and worth every cent, creating a memorable voyage on the waters.
Traducir a Español (ES)
Grecia - Lefkada
Oliver M.
01 Oct 2024
The whole experience was exceptionally satisfying. The assistance throughout our journey was incredibly helpful, making everything smooth and stress-free. The yacht's quality exceeded our expectations, providing comfort and luxury in equal measure. Picking up the yacht was a seamless experience, with no hitches to speak of. The charter company ensured everything was organized down to the finest details. The marina was well-equipped and conveniently located. As for value for money, it felt like we got an outstanding deal given the top-notch service and facilities. Overall, it was a perfect 10 out of 10 experience that left us thoroughly impressed.
Traducir a Español (ES)
Grecia - Lefkada
Benedikt M.
01 Oct 2024
Das Boot war äußerst umfassend ausgestattet und befand sich für sein Alter in einem hervorragenden Zustand. Die Übergabe und Rückgabe verliefen absolut reibungslos, was das Erlebnis besonders angenehm machte. Das Personal war durchweg freundlich und zuvorkommend, was erheblich zum positiven Gesamteindruck beigetragen hat. Die Marina war ebenfalls sehr gut, obwohl sie im direkten Vergleich etwas weniger hervorstechend war. Insgesamt war das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis exzellent, und die gesamte Erfahrung war auf ganzer Linie beeindruckend.
Traducir a Español (ES)
Grecia - Lefkada
Emil P.
01 Sep 2024
Every aspect of our yacht charter experience was flawless, with the yacht providing ample space and exceptional comfort throughout our journey. The team we interacted with was impressively professional, always eager to assist us, and showed genuine warmth, which added to the overall enjoyment of our trip. From start to finish, the entire process, including all interactions and services, truly exceeded our expectations.
Traducir a Español (ES)
Grecia - Lefkada