Tipo de yate
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Sin Skipper
Capacidad para dormir
Número de cabinas
Capacidad de crucero
Número de baños
2 m - 53 m
Año de construcción
1990 - 2025
Dueños de superbarcos
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Mostrando 21 listados de 512 resultados.
Explore lugares impresionantes para vivir la aventura Alquiler Catamarán de sus sueños en Croacia.
Alquiler Catamarán Sukošan
50Alquiler Catamarán Trogir
47Alquiler Catamarán Kaštel Gomilica
45Alquiler Catamarán Seget Donji
43Alquiler Catamarán Split
41Alquiler Catamarán Sibenik
31Alquiler Catamarán Rogoznica
30Alquiler Catamarán Primošten
26Alquiler Catamarán Marina
25Alquiler Catamarán Dubrovnik
20Alquiler Catamarán Pula
17Alquiler Catamarán Pomer
17Alquiler Catamarán Skradin
15Alquiler Barco Podstrana
15Alquiler Barco Jezera
13Alquiler Catamarán Zadar
12Alquiler Catamarán Punat
Explore las opciones diseñadas para su próxima escapada marítima en Croacia.
Encuentre alternativas únicas para una experiencia marítima personalizada en Croacia.
Sibenik 11.74 m Para Charter Catamarán - #5307
5,00Seget Donji 11.97 m Para Charter Catamarán - #23819
5,00Sibenik 9.99 m Para Charter Catamarán - #20685
5,00Sukošan 12.94 m Para Charter Catamarán - #19645
5,00Sibenik 11.74 m Para Charter Catamarán - #16040
5,00Sukošan 11.74 m Para Charter Catamarán - #444
5,00Dubrovnik 11.74 m Para Charter Catamarán - #23680
5,00Pomer 11.74 m Para Charter Catamarán - #22024
5,00Pomer 13.99 m Para Charter Catamarán - #22023
5,00Pomer 11.74 m Para Charter Catamarán - #21992
Número de goletas | 46 goletas disponibles |
Número de veleros | 1396 veleros disponibles |
Número de catamaranes | 507 catamaranes disponibles |
Número de yates a motor | 132 yates a motor disponibles |
Número de Neumáticas | 1 neumáticas disponibles |
Número de barcos a motor | 254 barcos a motor disponibles |
Precio mínimo | 213 € por día |
Precio máximo | 13.841 € por día |
Precio medio | 1491 € por día |
Fabricantes | Lagoon, Fountaine Pajot, Bali, Excess, Leopard, Dufour, Sunreef, Hecho a medida, Elba, Nautitech |
Longitud media | 13,65 m (44,79 ft) |
Capacidad media para dormir | 10,67 |
Capacidad media de crucero | 10,79 |
Número de reseñas | 304 |
¿Cuántos catamarán están disponibles para alquiler en Croacia?
¿Cuánto cuesta alquilar un catamarán en Croacia?
Excursiones privadas con alojamiento nocturno
Excursiones privadas por hora y día sin alojamiento nocturno
¿Cuánto cuesta alquilar un catamarán por una semana en Croacia?
¿Cuáles son las marcas populares de catamarán en Croacia?
¿Cuáles son los modelos populares de catamarán en Croacia?
¿Cuáles son las opciones gastronómicas a bordo de un catamarán en Croacia?
¿Cuál es el número promedio de cabinas en un catamarán en Croacia?
¿Cuál es la capacidad promedio de sueño en un catamarán en Croacia?
¿Cuál es la capacidad de crucero promedio en un catamarán en Croacia?
¿Puedo alquilar un catamarán como bareboat o con patrón en Croacia?
¿Cuántos catamarán están disponibles para alquiler sin tripulación en Croacia?
¿Cuántos catamarán están disponibles para alquiler con patrón en Croacia?
¿Cuáles son las comodidades populares a bordo en Croacia?
¿Cuánto cuesta contratar un patrón por día en Croacia?
¿Cuáles son las ubicaciones populares de alquiler catamarán en Croacia o cerca?
Con alojamiento durante una noche | Precio mínimo por día | Precio medio por día | Máx. precio por dia |
Catamarán | 213 € | 1488 € | 13.841 € |
Sin alojamiento durante una noche | Mín. Precio | Precio medio | Precio máximo |
Catamarán | 1089 € | 1772 € | 2775 € |
Lucas B.
01 Ara 2024
Our sailing journey covering over 300 nautical miles was largely a success, with the yacht delivering impressive performance and minimal issues. The cabins onboard were sufficiently comfortable to accommodate all ten of us, which contributed significantly to the overall enjoyment of our trip. We were particularly impressed with the yacht's speed, frequently reaching over 10 knots, far exceeding the expected 8.2 knots. However, the handover process was a bit disappointing. Despite paying extra for an early departure, we couldn't set sail before 5 PM due to preparations being incomplete. I would recommend saving on the early check-in fee in similar circumstances. Additionally, we faced some challenges with the yacht's lighting system, which wasn't operational, necessitating the use of our cell phones while navigating after dark. The water pump was another issue, requiring repairs twice, seemingly due to previous skippers overlooking the problem. Despite these setbacks, the overall experience was outstanding, with the yacht’s qualities shining through.
Traducir a Español (ES)
Croacia - Kaštel Gomilica
Bryce B.
01 Ara 2024
We embarked on a thrilling sailing adventure covering over 300 nautical miles and were quite impressed with how well the yacht performed throughout the journey. It handled the open waters with remarkable ease, and we were pleasantly surprised by its speed, often exceeding 10 knots, which was a delightful surprise. The cabins were designed to comfortably accommodate our full crew of 10 people, providing a cozy retreat after a day of sailing. However, there were a few hiccups along the way. We paid for an early departure, anticipating a smooth start, but unfortunately, the handover was delayed until after 5 PM because preparations were not complete, so the early check-in fee didn’t seem worth it. Navigating at night became tricky due to non-functional lights on the boat, and we had to resort to using our cell phones for illumination. Additionally, the water pump was a bit of a nuisance, requiring repairs twice, a result of issues not being reported by previous skippers. Despite these minor challenges, the overall experience was quite satisfying, and I would say it was a great adventure offering good value for money.
Traducir a Español (ES)
Croacia - Kaštel Gomilica
Jan K.
01 Eki 2024
Moje doświadczenie z czarterem jachtu było naprawdę wyjątkowe. Łódka była nieskazitelnie czysta, a obsługa bardzo uprzejma i pomocna, co sprawiło, że całkowity proces przebiegał bez najmniejszych przeszkód. Choć cała komunikacja z viravira.co przebiegała sprawnie, to zabrakło wcześniej informacji na temat możliwości wykupienia ubezpieczenia zamiast zostawiania kaucji, co mogłoby znacząco wpłynąć na koszty
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Croacia - Sukošan
Jakub Š.
01 Eki 2024
Our week was filled with excitement and comfort, thanks to the yacht that was in top-notch condition. Everything functioned smoothly, it was easy to operate, and came thoroughly equipped. The cleanliness was impeccable, and the service we received was outstanding. The staff displayed a friendly and warm demeanor, which added enormously to our satisfaction. While our overall experience was nothing short of fantastic, it would be great if the marina could undergo some improvements, particularly in the social facilities. Despite this minor point, we left feeling extremely gratified and appreciative of a truly memorable yacht chartering experience.
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Croacia - Rogoznica
Niklas M.
01 Eki 2024
The yacht we rented was in absolutely flawless condition, which set the stage for a fantastic experience on the water. The team from viravira.co that we encountered on-site were incredibly welcoming and helpful, adding a personal touch to our journey. While the marina itself was somewhat plain with not much happening, it was exceptionally clean and served its purpose effectively. In terms of the overall adventure, from the yacht’s quality to the seamless pick-up process and value for money, everything was top-notch. I would highly recommend this experience to anyone seeking a memorable maritime adventure.
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Croacia - Pula
Tomasz L.
01 Eki 2024
Komfort na jachcie był naprawdę wyjątkowy, wyróżniał się dużą przestrzenią i wygodnymi, obszernymi kajutami. Flydeck z kamerami na rufie dodawał poczucia bezpieczeństwa, a duże dinghy było niezwykle praktyczne. Stan techniczny jednostki był niemal bez zarzutu, z kilkoma drobnymi wyjątkami. Jedyne, co można by poprawić, to komunikacja, gdyż na niektóre zapytania odpowiedzi przychodziły z opóźnieniem. Mimo tych drobnych mankamentów, całościowe doświadczenie było doskonałe i pozostawiło niezapomniane wspomnienia.
Traducir a Español (ES)
Croacia - Kaštel Gomilica
Matej H.
01 Eyl 2024
The yacht charter experience was truly exceptional. The catamaran was impeccably clean, remarkably spacious, and maintained to the highest standards, making our trip on it nothing short of extraordinary. The team was both friendly and incredibly helpful, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish. For the price, we received top-notch quality and service. Every aspect of our journey, from the pick-up to our time at the marina, was simply perfect. The value for money far exceeded our expectations, making it a standout experience overall.
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Croacia - Sukošan
Dominic B.
01 Eyl 2024
The crew we had the pleasure of sailing with was truly outstanding, displaying both friendliness and eagerness to assist at every turn. The meals provided were nothing short of exceptional, earning special praise for Chef Igor's culinary talents. They went above and beyond to cater to our requests, ensuring a remarkable experience. However, there was a noticeable gap in communication with the boat charter company, which could be improved. Overall, the quality of the yacht, the seamless pick-up experience, and the overall value for money were all absolutely top-notch, making our journey incredibly enjoyable and memorable.
Traducir a Español (ES)
Croacia - Split
Tomáš V.
01 Eyl 2024
Tento výlet bol skutočne výnimočný! Marína bola nádherná a veľmi dobre vybavená. Skvelé bolo, že sme mohli bezplatne prísť autom priamo k lodi, čo obrovsky uľahčilo nakladanie a vykladanie všetkých potrebných vecí. Sociálne zariadenia vrátane toaliet a spŕch boli bezchybne čisté, čo prispelo k celkovej pohode počas pobytu. Hoci všetky maríny v Chorvátsku sú všeobecne veľmi drahé, možno sa v budúcnosti zameriam na iné krajiny, keďže ceny v reštauráciách a za obľúbené jedlá a pivo u Chorvátov sa mi zdali trochu prehnané. Každopádne, všetko ostatné bolo na vynikajúcej úrovni.
Traducir a Español (ES)
Croacia - Skradin
Michał W.
01 Eyl 2024
The boat was in excellent condition, offering a smooth and enjoyable sailing experience. The pier staff were incredibly helpful, always ready to assist with any questions or concerns. The yacht's quality was top-notch, which greatly enhanced our trip, making it truly memorable. While the marina could use some improvements, it didn't detract too much from the overall experience. The value for money was impressive, providing a worthwhile adventure that I would happily recommend. Overall, it was a delightful escapade.
Traducir a Español (ES)
Croacia - Dubrovnik