Erken Rezervasyon Fırsatları: 2025 Kiralamalarında Kaçırılmayacak Fiyatlar – Macera ve Tasarruf Sizi Bekliyor!

İlan Sahibinizle Tanışın

2022 tarihinden beri üyesidir. 4.4(12) ortalama puana sahiptir. ile istediğiniz dilde iletişim kullanabilirsiniz, mesajlar otomatik olarak çevrilir. , 9 ilan sunmaktadır. İlan türleri şunları içerir: Yelkenli, Motoryat. İlanlar Yunanistan lokasyonunda Lavrion, Lefkada, Piraeus bölgelerinde yer almaktadır.
  • Kayıt Tarihi:  Şubat 2022
  • İlan Sayısı:  11
  • Yorum Sayısı:  12

Puan:  4.37 (12 yorum)

Fiyat / Fayda

Kas 2024

My yacht holiday experience was truly memorable, thanks to the amazingly supportive and equitable service provided throughout. The yacht itself was of high quality, ensuring a comfortable journey on the open waters. From the moment I arrived for the pick-up, everything was handled smoothly, which set a positive tone for the trip. The overall operation of the charter company was professional, consistently meeting my expectations with ease. Nestled in a well-kept marina, the location added an extra layer of enjoyment to the experience. Overall, the vacation felt like great value for the money spent, leaving me eager to embark on another sea adventure in the future.

Şu dile çevir: Türkçe (TR)

Ağu 2024

Az egész utazás során a személyzet mindig rendkívül segítőkész volt, és sokat tettek azért, hogy a lehető legjobban érezzük magunkat. Habár a marinában nem volt elérhető zuhanyzó és WC, ami némi kényelmetlenséget okozott, a yacht minősége több mint kielégítő volt. A hajó átvétele zökkenőmentesen zajlott, és a charter cég szolgáltatása is kiemelkedőnek bizonyult. Az elérhető árakkal és az összességében pozitív élményekkel elégedetten távoztunk, amiért feltétlenül ajánlanánk másoknak is.

Şu dile çevir: Türkçe (TR)

Tem 2024

Auch wenn das Schiff bereits 15 Jahre alt war, befand es sich in einem bemerkenswert guten Zustand. Kleinere Mängel wurden vom Vercharterer schnell und unkompliziert behoben, wie zum Beispiel, als zwei Mitarbeiter quer über die Insel kamen, um einen Schäkel am Mastfuß zu ersetzen. Der defekte Inverter war kein großes Problem, da der USB-Anschluss funktionierte und auf Wunsch hätte der Vercharterer diesen sogar auf Kefalonia ersetzt. Ich hatte meinen eigenen Inverter dabei und es gab auch einen gut funktionierenden Generator als Alternative. Der Kühlschrank war ebenfalls eine angenehme Überraschung und produzierte tadellos Eiswürfel. Die Kommunikation und der Service waren sowohl vor Ort als auch während der Reise äußerst angenehm, und das Schiff war schon frühzeitig zur Abholung bereit. Was Michael am 08.10.2023 geschrieben hat, widerspricht völlig meiner Erfahrung. Vielleicht war er auf einem anderen Schiff? Ich würde diese Yacht ohne zu zögern wieder chartern! Eine kleine Einschränkung war die schwache Servicebatterie, die dank der Solaranlage im Sommer ausreichte, aber im Herbst möglicherweise nicht ausreicht. Auch die Funkgerätebatterie schwächelte ein wenig, was wahrscheinlich am Ladegerät lag, und der Vercharterer versprach, sich darum zu kümmern. Es wäre zudem schön gewesen, Sitzkissen fürs Cockpit zu haben, die mittlerweile zum Standard gehören, aber leider nicht vorhanden waren.

Şu dile çevir: Türkçe (TR)

Haz 2024

Kiracı herhangi bir yorum bırakmadı.

Eki 2023

Kiracı herhangi bir yorum bırakmadı.

Eyl 2023

The entire experience with the yacht charter was truly exceptional. The handover of the boat was incredibly smooth both at the start and end of our journey, which is always a relief for any sailor. The yacht itself was in great condition, easy to navigate, and exceptionally equipped with spare lines and ample storage space, making our voyage comfortable and enjoyable. It was a pleasure to find that the logbook was up and running perfectly, which isn't always the case with other boats I've experienced. However, a few lights on board were not operational, which slightly marred the otherwise flawless experience. Additionally, having a course plotter for paper charts would have been beneficial, serving as a backup should the digital chart plotter fail. The yacht quality was impressive, and the overall experience was absolutely delightful, offering fantastic value for money.

Şu dile çevir: Türkçe (TR)

Eyl 2023

Kiracı herhangi bir yorum bırakmadı.

Tem 2023

Значително подобрих уменията си за ветроходство по време на моята ваканция. Хигиената на яхтата беше на високо ниво, което ме накара да се чувствам комфортно през цялото време. Яхтата беше в отлично състояние и процесът на вземане беше безупречен. Въпреки че марината не беше идеалната, изживяването определено си заслужаваше и почувствах, че получих добра стойност за парите си. Като цяло, въпреки някои дребни недостатъци, пътуването беше приятно.

Şu dile çevir: Türkçe (TR)

Haz 2023

The local charter team provided a very pleasant and professional experience, handling everything with great competence. The yacht performed admirably on the water, offering a smooth and enjoyable sailing adventure. Although there are a few minor areas that could use some enhancement, the overall price-to-value ratio is exceptional. My time spent with was quite satisfying, despite the marina not being quite up to par in terms of facilities. Overall, I had a wonderful time, and the yacht was definitely worth the experience.

Şu dile çevir: Türkçe (TR)

Eki 2022

Experiența noastră cu personalul companiei de închiriere a fost cu adevărat remarcabilă, având în vedere amabilitatea și promptitudinea lor de a oferi asistență ori de câte ori am avut nevoie. Serviciile oferite au fost la un raport calitate-preț foarte bun, ceea ce a făcut ca întreaga experiență să fie cu adevărat satisfăcătoare. Cu siguranță intenționez să mă întorc pentru a redescoperi această aventură în viitor.

Şu dile çevir: Türkçe (TR)


Tatil danışmanlarımız, size yardımcı olmak için haftanın yedi günü hizmetinizde.

01:00 - 10:00 (Miami, UTC-5)

Desteklenen diller: İngilizce

Yardım Merkezi


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